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Bergman 100: Guided tour in English
10 juni, 2018 kl. 17:00 –18:00 CEST
During 2018 legendary film maker Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) will be celebrated all over the world. It was here in Filmstaden, just north of Stockholm, that Bergman made his film debut and worked for decades while creating his most famous films. In Filmstaden we will celebrate Ingmar Bergman through guided tours, film screenings and an outdoor exhibition focusing on Bergman’s work in Filmstaden.
On the following dates at 3 PM we will offer guided tours in English: June 3, 10, 17 and August 5, 12, 19. The price for the guided tour is SEK 100 per person. Tickets are available in our café in Portvaktsstugan, the doorkeeper’s lodge.
Please contact Mikaela Kindblom at mikaela@filmstadenskultur.se if you would like to book a guided group tour in English, French or German.
The guided starts out the doorkeeper’s lodge. Buy your ticket in the café!
Price: 100 kr.
In cooperation with ABF.